
Great Music Begins With You

Your support of the Symphony is so greatly appreciated! Thanks to the greater Missoula community, we were able to offer a virtual concert season during the pandemic when many orchestras around the world could not. Now, as we look ahead to a season that feels more “normal” we still must rely on the financial support of our community since ticket sales make up only 30% of our operating budget.

There are many ways to support your Missoula Symphony Orchestra and Chorale. Your donation allows us to achieve our mission of musical excellence in performance and education while continuing to serve our community as one of the very finest orchestras in the western region. We look forward to sharing symphonic music with our Missoula friends— old and new—and are grateful for your support


Maestro: $25,000+
Conductor: $5,000 - $24,999
Sponsor: $1,000 - $4,999
Benefactor: $600 - $999
Contributor: $450 - $599
Patron: $250 - $499
Associate: $100 - $249
Member: $50 - $99

For more information about Chair sponsorships, corporate sponsorships, planned giving, or other donations, please contact Executive Director David O'Dell at

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