Education & Community

The Missoula Symphony Association is committed to providing music education to our community.

Vision statement: That students and their families across the state and region are inspired and resourced for musical endeavors; and that every student who picks up an instrument in the Missoula-area has a connection to the Symphony.

Mission statement: The mission of the Education and Community Engagement programs shall be to provide music education to our community through shared experiences and performance opportunities.  These shall be presented by highly skilled performers and educators both from our own community and around the world.

The Symphony has presented its annual Youth and Family Concerts for nearly 60 years. Recent years have seen other Events and Outreaches added to the calendar. The UM/MSA String Camp made its debut in 2023 as a new collaboration with the UM School of Music. Please visit the respective pages of these programs for more information. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our Education Coordinator, Sylvia Allen Oman.

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